
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Readiness Assessment for your "Fundamentals of Guidance" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The FlexWork Project Team

1. Though there may be less face-to-face interaction in digitally facilitated guidance, the premise of providing learning and development through a relationship of mutual trust remains the same as the traditional method:


2. It is important for your guided virtual assistant to do her job effectively to have systems in place to communicate with colleagues, managers, clients:


3. You would not recommend the virtual assistant to establish work hours at home:


4. The virtual assistant needs to make sure her curriculum is up to date; every time she changes jobs, starts a new project, or acquires a new skill, she needs to include that change on the curriculum:


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