
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Self Evaluation (Perception Assessment) Test for your "Web Design Development" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The FlexWork Project Team

1. Chose from the list below the Web designers needed skills:

a) Artistic sense for design and capability to understanding of color and font
b) Team work
c) Creativity, attention to detail
d) Communication

2. Chose from the list below responsibilities of a web designer working from home:

a) Build websites according with the client’s needs and specification
b) Promote and Market its own services and find and manage clients
c) Creating the content or description of the company's products to be displayed on the website
d) Manag e the process of Invoices Submission and Payment Collecting

3. Which is the first steps in finding clients from the following:

a) Build a Potential Customer and Client List
b) Make Contact
c) Define Your Target Market
d) Follow-Up and then Follow-Up Again

4. Which, for the following, are the disadvantages of free web host websites builder:

a) It’s free
b) These sites do not require much experience and are easy to use
c) Limited amount of disk space that can be used
d) Ready for immediate use

5. What is a domain name?

a) A human readable form of an IP address
b) Your business name
c) The destination that you type into a web browser in order to visit a website
d) The website name that can be searched using the URL bar in any browser

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